Reading Difficulty Risk Screener Please select the link below to learn more about the tool that is used annually with all K-2 students to assess their early reading skills.
Full-day TK in Poway Unified for 2025-2026 We have some exciting news regarding our district’s TK program! Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, PUSD Transitional Kindergarten will be a full-day program.
Mandarin Immersion Community Meeting and General Information for 25/26 Information for the 2025-2026 School year
Volunteer Paperwork for 24/25 School Year Please see attached paperwork for the updated 24/25 Volunteer paperwork.
Applications Being Accepted for PUSD Real Property Advisory Committee Committee will advise the Board on the identification and sale of District-owned property not needed for school purposes
Food and Nutrition August and September Adobe Bluffs Menu With the construction of our Cafeteria, Adobe Bluffs will have a different breakfast and lunch menu. Attached is the breakfast menu.
PUSD Announces New Principals for 2024-25 School Year Ten elementary schools are under new leadership: Adobe Bluffs, Chaparral, Garden Road, Los Peñasquitos, Monterey Ridge, Stone Ranch, Sundance, Tierra Bonita, Turtleback and Westwood